She fears they can never be balanced again, her fate forever sealed. The sins of her Mother are sins that she carries and remains an open wound that can never heal.

Yet and still —
s h e  d o e s  n o t  r e l e n t.

Hers is a heavy burden, bearing the weight of her mother's sins upon her shoulders. A fierce heart's reasons are seen clearly, yet she still cannot be forgiven.

Yet and still, she cannot forgive...

— just as the Wood cannot forget.


    species      Miqo'te, Keeper of the Moon    birth place      The Black Shroud    clan standing      Displaced. The clan is known now 'of the Ash.'    residence      South Shroud    patron deity      The Great Ones

                        STATUS EFFECTS.     

          THE GREAT ONE'S FAVOR   
Ninoh's eyes glint with an otherworldly intensity as she channels The Great One's Favor, a pact forged in the shadows of ancient oaths. With such a boon, she wields the raw power of the Shroud, bending its primal energies to her will with unparalleled mastery.
          KEEN EYE   
Ninoh, through clan training, can discern small traces of aether in the form of wisps.
Ninoh possesses heightened empathy, sensing emotional energies around her. This can be challenging and a hinderance in crowds or near intense emotions.

S e n s o r y .

  • Auditory senses are soft, articulate, and accented. Some words will be clipped if she is speaking Eorzean.

  • Olfactory senses are earthy smells like fresh soil and moss. Incense and oils. Also, a kind of sweet decay, like wet leaves, with honeysuckle.

     name       Ninoh Taatalir    aliases      Shroudwitch, Yassa, Kah    age      late-twenties    nameday      20th Sun of the Fifth Umbral Moon    height      5 fulms, 7 ilms    gender      cis female, she/her    class      Witch, Conjurer    alignment      neutral    mbti      ISTP-A    languages      eorzean, huntspeak, clannish tongue

                                                play me.   â–¶  

R a i m e n t s .


D i s t i n g u i s h i n g      T r a i t s .

  • Face is adorned with ash markings and applied through meditation. Lips are often blackened along the upper lip.

  • Fingertips and nails are stained with years of harvesting and refining teas, herbs and dyes.

  • Wards and spells are self-tattooed into her skin that fade and may change over time.

  • Leonine tail, long and sways slowly.

  • Muddled brown hair with a silver shine in the moonlight.

  • Nocturnal eyes that are more prominent in the darkness.

  • She has two permanent tattoos: one along her spine and another along her sternum.

  • Hair is decorated with feathers, but will also wear beaded jewelry, tooth and bone.

  • Frayed well-worn fabrics, naturally dyed. New garments are rare. Hems are likely caked in mud.


           useful knowledge.     

  • She can give   guidance   based on what she reads within her medium.

  • Woodsin is a   terrible affliction  . Bear upon your face a blessed mask, adventurer, or seek out the shroud witch to be cleansed.

  • It is said that for a price, she will brew a   special tea   that will bring you to greater enlightenment... or send you into the darkest recesses of your greatest nightmares.

  • Ninoh uses animal bones, nuts, shells, carvings, beads, and water elements   to read divine information  .

  • She   crafts blessings   and offers handmade charms and trinkets— she will even tell you of your   fates   if you are so inclined.

  • She is a known   collector of strange and unusual   bones, teeth, rocks, and skulls. Bring her something unique, and you may be granted something in return.


  • Shamanic, aetheric, and natural healing

  • Potion and poison crafting

  • Naturopathic alchemy and medicine

  • Aetheric perception or 'wispreading'

  • Rot and Rejuvenation magic

  • Survivalism

  • Wards, hexes, vexes, and curses

  • Tasseomancy

  • Scapulomancy

  • Enchantment & Thralldom

  • Tattooing and Scarification


  • Occultism

  • Communing with the Wood

  • Flavored teas, herbal infusions

  • moonbathing

  • Handmade gifts and crafts

  • Moonshine

  • The wet, the cold, the damp. Ninoh is most comfortable where water is present.

  • Keeper Culture and Traditions

  • Preservation of the Shroud



  • Plot heavy connections.

  • Long-term, non-romantic bonds.

  • Villains, antagonists, poachers, cultists, or anyone who would challenge a witch in her swamp.

  • Members to induct into her Shroud Sanctuary.

  • Mystical and occult themes, dark, angst, horror, adventure.

  • Keeper Clans and Communities.

  • Shipping is long term with chemistry only.

  note:      hooks include some variation of homebrew lore and lore-strict knowledge. more info in the OOC tab.  


The black shroud

- Dark, mature, occult, spooky themes

🗬 . . . " Her poison was my medicine. I swore to her that I would never tell what she did but... I'm now free because of her. She saved me from my husband's cruel hand. "

Without invitation, to seek out the Shroudwitch requires a journey into the lower paths where the swamps of the Southern Shroud lay claim. There you will find wooden bridge pathways and stone, leading you to find the Ashenshroud Sanctuar.Invitations; oft carefully crafted in effigy or poppet, are placed inconspicuously; luring the brave with her beckoned call.Those who seek out the shroudwitch come to her for guidance, for healing, for sanctuary or trade. And for those that travel a darker path, sometimes, — something more.      Bring with you an offering.      


The black shroud

- dark, mature, violent themes
- may feature themes of in-game prejudice from the Twin Adders.

🗬 . . . " An adder's bite may sting, but beware th'venom of th'unseen predator, waiting to strike with patience, precision, and lethal grace. All in due time. All in good measure. "

The violent actions of one of her own drew the attention of the Wood Wailers, particularly one charged with uprooting the Ashenshroud for good.Driven into the deeper paths in the South, and with their numbers diminished, it was rumored that the Kah had fallen, losing her unborn child in the attack against their Den.Taking this as her opportunity to evade capture, Ninoh has cast off the title of Kah, and biding her time, waiting for her chance for revenge.


The black shroud

- dark, mature, occult, horror, witchy themes

" Sometimes you can hear them out there. in the night. in the dark. they wait. wait for her command. for her every beck an' call. What kind of magic does she hold over them . . . ? " . . . 🗬

It is said that Ninoh's abilities and most sacred knowledge were bestowed upon her by an Elemental, hidden deep within the roots of the eldest sentinels near the ruins of Gelmorra. Tales speak of poachers, bandits, and unsavory beings drawn irresistibly into the depths, lured either by promise or by other curious means.Those who wander too close may catch glimpses of figures moving in the shadows, their movements fluid and silent as they carry out unseen tasks until their bodies decay and nourish the soils.To what end do these thralls serve the shroudwitch? And pray, what dark purpose lies hidden within these deepest depths, chancing to be unveiled by those brave or foolish enough to seek it?


Tural and beyond

- to be developed
- will feature spoilers for dawntrail

Following a vision of an otherworldly realm beyond the confines of all she's ever known, Ninoh is compelled to step beyond the boundaries of the Black Shroud, eager to seek out the source.She seeks companions, seasoned and new, bold enough to accompany her into this unknown territory.


Buscarron's Druthers in the South Shroud

This is an open-world rp spot, which is available for everyone. details
This is a perfect opportunity to safely 'happen upon' Ninoh while she is around. Feel free to say hello!

This tavern is sheltered by the Shroud, imparting a sense of peace and tranquility to all within. It is for this reason — as much as Buscarron's ale and yarns of adventure — that wayfarers from across the realm find respite at these tables.But the protection of the forest is not to be taken for granted... and Ninoh oft finds her way here after leaving offerings to her treasured guardians, ever watchful of the growing crowds.


" What dark conjury did she use to save herself from th'Greenwrath? Ought not t'place trust in her... " . . . 🗬

" We thought her a ghost! We saw her during the last full moon. She was wandering the swamps, bare-breasted and unafraid of the elements! " . . . 🗬

" It was just one sip and my wife's labor pains went away. " . . . 🗬

🗬 . . . " Follow the Ashmarks. You'll find the cave in which the shroudwitch calls her home... "

🗬 . . ." Infection spelled certain death for mine own mother. But she brought roots and herbs that broke his fever overnight. "

" they say she has a mirror black as pitch that catches glimpses of the future. " . . . 🗬

🗬 . . . " Aye, y'heard right. Won't say it was wrong to take out th'ol hag, but.. he was only a kit, the boy. Did he really deserve to die...? "


                basic etiquette.     

please do not be an asshole.

  • ã…¤ above everything: communicate and gain consent.

  • ã…¤ quality over quantity or 1-2 para is fine. I tend to mirror replies.

  • ã…¤ my character is not me, i am not my character. please do not confuse the two.

  • dice work great for combat, but i am also comfortable with improvisation.

ã…¤ if you are curious or unsure of something, please ask!

P r e f e r e n c e s .

I'm completely fine with domestic or slice-of-life rp on occasion but I prefer to write with angst, mature and dark themes. Themes with content and direction. Horror, occult and exploring lore and world-building in FFXIV. Ninoh was created for dark and spooky bog witchery, and I will favor themes and ideas that pull my attention toward that.

✔ㅤ Character exploration through RP.
✔ㅤ Organic growth and discovery.
✔ㅤ World-building.
✔ㅤ Lore-bending; not breaking.

✔ㅤ grimdark themes
✔ㅤ angst themes
✔ㅤ mature & dark themes
✔ㅤ horror, occult themes

✔ㅤ Dice rolls for combat & determiners
✔ㅤ Graphic violence & torture
✔ㅤ drug & alcohol use
✔ㅤ ritualistic violence

✘ㅤ WoL or lore-breaking OCs.
✘ㅤ long-term RP with people under 21
✘ㅤ self-inserts / kinning
✘ㅤ alternate universes
✘ㅤ first person narratives
✘ㅤ Permanent death or disfigurement
✘ㅤ metagaming, godmodding, or powerplaying
✘ㅤ Twitch DJ nightclub or clubbing characters
✘ㅤ characters using transfetish characteristics (examples: futa, dickgirl, shemale, cuntboy, or trap).

Artwork by Onyrica

                lore disclaimer.     

the most amazing part about ffxiv is the lore that has already been woven into the game, and I strive to maintain an accurate depiction of the canon. As a writer, I want to be able to depict my character within the boundaries of lore while enriching it with my understandings and headcanons in a way that bends but does not break.The ideas I've incorporated into my characters' canon are simply my interpretation of the lore and may change and become adjusted over time. Of course, I am always open to playing a more lore-strict character and have no intention of forcing headcanons or homebrew lore on anyone or their character(s).

       character disclaimer.     

Given her ability to read aether, she may be defensive or even hostile to antagonistic characters. This is your warning for your character to be on their guard. (I will always obtain consent on what Ninoh can or cannot interpret from the wisps, OOCly.)She will invariably oppose poachers, bandits, sellswords, wood wailers, twin adders, or anyone representing the stillglade fane. ( Please don't let this discourage you from writing or reaching out to me. I love a good in-character conflict! )I write Ninoh to be a complex character and is not intended to be a villain in the traditional sense, but depending on where your character stands on morality, you may view her as such. Ninoh is someone who walks a morally-grey path. At times, she may deviate. She holds unconventional practices and can come off as unsettling and eerie. Her motivations are often driven by her moral code and the desire to protect her people and the Shroud.Relevant Lore: see Ssounsy's Elementals, Wildlings, Gridanian Militaries, Tempered States and Possession as well as their phenomenal 1.0 Archive of the original 2010 Final Fantasy XIV.

syn   |   ageless (30+)   |   she/her/any

Ninoh Taatalir
Crystal ↠ Mateus
Central Standard (CST)

In-Game, Weekdays, Weekends.
Walk-Up RP 🗸 + Tells 🗸


©  syn.

UPDATED: 01/15/2025